Corchem Chemical presents the 1954 animated hit...

Using Corrosive Chemicals in a Modern Age

Based on short conversations between Crocker Yeeeowwalczyk and Kenneth “Corrosive Ken” Klackston in the fall of 1954 and subsequently released in Spring of 1955, comes a story that has warmed the hearts of million.

While developing his "Solution Solution" —which does everything from repel insects to strip paint— Dr. Molecular creates  Corchem Man. Little does Dr. Molecular realize but his nemesis —The Stinking Bastard— has taken over Corchem City! It's up to Corchem Man to save the town by flooding it with this special brand of life-giving fluid. This timeless treasure includes the song Sprung a Leak on You.

Using Corrosive Chemicals in a Modern Age Branded products from our promopals

Using Corrosive Chemicals in a Modern Age Children's Liquid Pain Reliever
Using Corrosive Chemicals in a Modern Age Meat Beater Meat Tenderizer
Using Corrosive Chemicals in a Modern Age: Flood the City with Corrosive Chemicals Skill Game
Modern Aged themed fun!

Look modern with a Yeeeoww!!! Couture Corchem Man T-shirt. Double-down by downloading, printing and cutting out your own collectible, tradeable Using Corrosive Chemicals in a Modern Age yCard!