Corchem Chemical presents the 1987 animated hit...

Using Corrosive Chemicals in the Home

Meet Corchem Man: husband, father, canister! Yes, the misadventures never end as Corchem Man proves everything goes better with corrosive chemicals! Corchem Man just can't seem to keep the fluid in his can - much to the chagrin of best buddy, Dr. Molecular! Corchem Man has his hands full explaining that rash on the baby has nothing to do with him! Wacky antics ensue with very entertaining results in this 1987 comedy.

Using Corrosive Chemicals in the Home Branded products from our promopals

Using Corrosive Chemicals in the Home Long 'n' Lean Sauce Machine
Using Corrosive Chemicals in the Home Processed Cheese Food
Using Corrosive Chemicals in the Home: Scrub It!, Soak It!, Sniff It! Skill Game
Corrosive themed fun!

Scare your friends with a Yeeeoww!!! Couture Corchem Man T-shirt. Double-down by downloading, printing and cutting out your own collectible, tradeable Using Corrosive Chemicals in the Home yCard!