Glandul•Aire Abodeware presents the 1959 animated hit...

Bathroom Door to the Future

First releases in 1959, as a joint venture between Yeeeowwalczyk Pictures and Glandul•Aire- Bathroom Door to the Future gives an exciting glimpse into the loo of tomorrow. Queen Glandul•Aire and her royal subjects Scrub & Plunge (The Bowl Bros.) get whisked down the pot to the year 1979. Here they discover a bathroom replete with grated floors, nozzled walls, ceiling fans and a wash basin full of disinfectant "Spooge". The icing on the cake is a modern lavatory miracle called the Didactor Extractor Retractor. We think you'll find Bathroom Door to the Future is a toe tapping, rumpus cleansing good time!

Bathroom Door to the Future Branded products from our promopals

Bathroom Door to the Future Reconstituted Chicken Nuggets
Bathroom Door to the Future Under-the-Rim Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Bathroom Door to the Future: Potty Town Skill Game
Bathroom Door to the Future themed fun!

Head into the future with a Yeeeoww!!! Couture Queen Glandulaire T-shirt. Double-down by downloading, printing and cutting out your own collectible, tradeable Bathroom Door to the Future yCard!