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Delightful chicken-y nuggets in fantastically fun character shapes from the hit movie Bathroom Door to the Future. Contains skin, fillers, extenders, artificial color plus flaked, chopped, and mechanically separated meat. Lightly breaded to accentuate realistic chicken flavor.

"Naggin' Nuggets" TV AD

In this ad the Shanker Processed Chicken turns his comatose friend Flav-R-Fish on to the taste sensation of Bathroom Door to the Future Reconstituted Chicken Nuggets.


Make your neighbors crap when you knock on their door with a Yeeeoww!!! Couture Queen Glandulaire T-shirt. Double-down by downloading, printing and cutting out your own collectible, tradeable Bathroom Door to the Future Reconstituted Chicken Nuggets yCard!

Another Yeeeoww!!! Classic from the yVault

Head to the bathroom of tomorrow — from a 1959 perspective — with Queen GlandulAire and the Bowl Bros. in this Yeeeoww!!! Pictures classic animated film.

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