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Cluck Colonic Chicken Flavored Cola from Shanker Processed Foods. The perfect blend of sweet and savory, refreshing and gamey! A great taste for picnics, after the game, during the game - or even a night on the town!

"Colonel Colonic's Crazy Concept" TV AD

Colonel Colonic is looking for a good soldier in this Cluck Colonic Cola TV spot.

Cluck Colonic Cola Themed Fun

Get your colonic on—literally—with a Colonel Colonic T-shirt. Or download, print and cut out a set of your own collectible Cluck Colonic Chicken Flavored Cola yCards! Ten different cards in all!

See Colonel Colonic in his first full-length movie!

Don’t miss Colonel Colonic in his first full length animated feature film: Saving Private Chicken. See Red Brick and his pals race to help The Shanker Processed Chicken escape certain death. Visit the Saving Private Chicken website to find out more.

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