Glandul•Aire Abodeware presents the 1974 animated hit...

Feast and Fiesta

One of Yeeeowwalczyk Pictures' most acclaimed films. Queen Glandul•Aire and the Bowl Twins are throwing the party of the century! But when the Glandul•Ware® disappears that's when the party ends and the carnage kicks in! Released in 1974, Feast and Fiesta is replete with several animated dance numbers, toe tapping music and a flurry of ninja fight scenes If you have a thirst for plastic ware and throwing stars this film will have you riveted from start to finish.

Feast and fiesta Branded products from our promopals

Feast and Fiesta Bottom Feeder Suppositories
Feast and Fiesta Food Fiestarator Flavor Enhancer
Feast and Fiesta: TP Fiesta Skill Game
Feast and Fiesta themed fun!

Samba around the john with a Yeeeoww!!! Couture Queen Glandulaire T-shirt. Double-down by downloading, printing and cutting out your own collectible, tradeable Feast and Fiesta yCard!