Shanker Processed Foods presents the 1980 animated hit...

Sloppy Seconds

Take an incredible journey with the Shanker Processed Chicken and Flavor Fish in this fantastic 1980 misadventure through that untamed wilderness: the refrigerator. Problems arise when the evil Abdominal Cramp leaves Flavor Fish out on the counter over night.. Watch in awe as the Shanker Processed Chicken journeys with his friend throughout the fridge searching for the one thing that will make him "fresh again". This heart-warming tale shows just how long you can keep around Sloppy Seconds.

Sloppy Seconds Branded products from our promopals

Sloppy Seconds Industrial Grade Foaming Appliance Cleaner
Sloppy Seconds Tampons with Exclusive Chickenhead Applicator
Sloppy Seconds: Crazy Refrigerator Skill Game
Refrigerated themed fun!

Samba around the john with a Yeeeoww!!! Couture Shanker Processed Chicken T-shirt. Double-down by downloading, printing and cutting out your own collectible, tradeable Sloppy Seconds yCard!