Kids will love blowing their fingers off with Kid Konstructor Mini-Miner Blasting Caps. All the Blasting Power. All the Blasting Danger!
An Explosion of Fun!
So many games and toys!: So little time! Look no further than Yeeeoww!!! Mart for a plethora of games and toys from Forceps Toys. Each is themed after a classic Yeeeoww!!! film of the past 70 years.
Cluck Colonic Cola Themed Fun
Get your colonic on—literally—with a Colonel Colonic T-shirt. Or download, print and cut out a set of your own collectible Tommy Forceps yCards! Ten different cards in all!
Don’t miss Tommy Forceps in his first full-length animated feature film: Saving Private Chicken. See Red Brick and his pals race to help The Shanker Processed Chicken escape certain death. Visit the Saving Private Chicken website to find out more.
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Chimihaus Party Spicy Nacho Cheese 'n' Knackwurst Cough Suppressant
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Chimihaus Party Phat Phrier deep fryer for Kids
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Daddy Looks Happy Now Roll-On Spot and Stain Remover
Daddy Looks Happy Now: Prop Up the Tent Skill Game